Since employers follow ‘employment at will’ in Texas, they don’t need a reason to terminate or fire an employee. As an employee, one may expect to know the reason or cause for termination, but the employer doesn’t owe an explanation. Also, the employer doesn’t need to provide a notice of termination. If needed, an employee can be fired from the position with immediate effect. Employees also have the choice to leave a position at will. That said, there are legal protections available to employees, to protect against “Wrongful termination”. If you have been wrongfully terminated from the job, contacting an employment discrimination lawyer in Austin can help in knowing your options better. 

What is “wrongful termination”?

If an employee is fired from the job for factors like race, color, age, gender, religion, disability and/or national origin, it is a clear case of “Wrongful termination”. The protection is available to employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Also, there are similar protections provided to employees in Austin and rest of Texas, under the Texas Labor Code. Besides discrimination, wrongful termination also refers to retaliation. For instance, if an employee filed a case of sexual harassment against a supervisor and was fired from the job, this is a clear case of retaliation. 

Do you need an attorney?

When you hire an attorney, who is Board Certified in Labor and Employment Law, you can expect to get genuine advice for your situation. They can also help in reviewing the employment contract, which can impact how a person is fired. For instance, if the contract said that the employee should be notified about work performance and must be given a chance to improve their work, the employer just cannot fire the employee. Wrongful termination cases often are complicated, and a good attorney is your best resource for knowing your options. They can guide on your rights, how you can prove that you were fired wrongfully, and other aspects. They will ensure that you get a fair settlement, which may include reinstatement in the job. 

Meeting an attorney

When you meet an employment discrimination lawyer for the first time, ask them relevant questions related to their expertise. Also, it is important that you maintain transparency with your attorney. Depending on the facts of the case, your lawyer will determine the best course of action and the damages you can recover because of wrongful termination. 

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