SRS surgery (sex reassignment surgery) is a collective name given to many procedures that realign a person’s physical features with their internal sense of gender. SRS is often the end of a transition process that starts with superficial changes, such as makeup, clothes, and hair, continuing with hormone therapy.

For example, someone who feels like a woman, but has the physical features of a man, might choose to go for surgery to remove male biological features and have surgeries to give them more stereotypically feminine traits, like breasts and vagina. Conversely, A woman identifying as a man can have surgery and treatment as well to help them to appear like a man.

Surgery is not part of the journey for many trans people, and as with any surgical procedure, surgery should not be undertaken lightly, not least because of the significant risks and side-effects. In some countries, sex reassignment surgery is only an option for people who are over 18, and pre-surgery counselling is required.

The different types of surgical procedure for sex reassignment surgery

  • Male to female surgery(MTF)
  • Male to female surgery is more straightforward and has more successful rate, and for this reason, is considerably cheaper than female to male surgery that involves highly challenging techniques.

Do People Sometimes Regret their Sex Reassignment Surgeries?

The transition process is often fraught, and it is common for trans people to lose friends and family, and in some cases, their jobs. Many stories of people who regret their reassignment surgery are on the internet, but statistical proofs suggest that this is relatively rare. People who wish to undergo transgender operation should be informed that it is not a remedy for the problems caused by the underlying condition of sex dysphoria; however, it may well help to relieve many of the symptoms.


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