“If you build it, they will come.”  Those are the famous words from the 1989 Kevin Costner film, Field of Dreams.  While that might be true with baseball stadiums, is it true with websites?  The answer is, yes, and no.

Building a website does not ensure that anyone will come to it.  This news can be disheartening when you consider the effort you expended to create the site, whether by yourself or with the help of designers or developers.  But don’t lose heart completely! There are ways to draw people to your website. But how?

The key is to get found in Google (or any other search engine).  The advantage of being found in Google or Bing is that just about everyone is using them when they need to find something on the internet.  These are not cold calls! These are customers looking for your goods and services. Why not make it as easy as possible for them to find you?

The sites that are on page 1 in search engine result pages did not get there by some random chance.  Page 1 in the search engine result pages is prime real estate and the competition for page 1 can be fierce.

So how did your competitors get there?  It happens through a process called Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO.  Google has complicated and proprietary algorithms that determine where each site falls in the search engine result pages for different keywords.   SEO is the process which convinces the search algorithm to rank one site higher than another based on keywords and how the site relates to those keywords.  Google looks at many aspects related to a website like being mobile-friendly, load time, text to image ratio, and others. Two of the other main considerations in search engine ranking are content and backlinks.

Google loves fresh content and will give a site a boost if there is regular, fresh, high-quality, relevant content on a website.  Google also looks at which other sites are linking back to a website. Who has time to create all this content? Who can work on getting high-quality sites to link to their website while busy running their own business?

Your small business can partner with a NJ SEO company that can keep adding quality content to your website and also get the high-quality links that will help the  website rank well in Google search.

Being on Google’s page 1 can transform your business.  To learn how SEO can be an investment in your company’s future, see this infographic by Landau Consulting.

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