If getting pregnant does not happen by itself and you remain undesirable childless you can go to the outpatient clinic Fertility (reproductive medicine). For this you need a referral from your doctor or another specialist. It is important that you already start taking folic acid.

Reproductive medicine focuses on:

  • Exploratory fertility study (read more in the brochure ‘ Full sperm examination ‘)
  • Ovulation induction
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

CollaborationWith other hospitals

Balance fertility cooperates in this area with the Elisabeth Hospital in Tilburg and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. All conversations, echoes, hormone stimulation and puncture take place at the site of Balance fertility. Only fertilization and the replacement of the embryo (the embryo transfer) take place in Tilburg or Rotterdam. Now check this website for the solutions.

With Urology

If the sperm count is abnormal several times, you can be referred to a urologist. This will look for a possible cause and, if possible, give advice to improve the seed quality. In addition, he can perform a rehabilitation operation on the sperm leaders on sterilized men with a renewed desire for children (vasovasostomy).

To Urology

This is a quality mark for fertility care. The award takes place on the basis of criteria that have been drawn up in consultation with the relevant professional organizations. The allocation of the Freya Plumes is part of the Fertility Care Monitor. This tool, introduced in January 2012 – which is available at site monitor allows patients to choose the clinic that best fits their personal wishes and requirements with regard to fertility care. Within the application, the patient can base his choice on issues such as distance to the clinic, treatment offering, quality mark, number of treatments that are performed, possibility of psychosocial support, etc.

Medical psychology

Fertility problems can emotionally demand a lot from you. Many couples can handle the stress of the treatment together. There are also couples who have difficulty getting out of it together. Then it can be nice that a psychologist supports you in dealing with the emotional pressure of the IVF treatment.


  • What do fertility problems mean for the relationship?
  • How do you talk about your fertility problems in your family?
  • What is the influence of fertility problems on sexuality?
  • If the treatment is unsuccessful, will we continue or will we stop?
  • What does our life look like if there is no child?
  • What does it mean when it comes to an unfulfilled wish for a second child?

Psychological screening

The IVF nurse asks all couples who start with IVF to complete a questionnaire. It is intended to get an idea of ​​how you are doing (a psychological screening). Based on this, the Medical Psychology team can invite you for an intake interview.

Of course you can also indicate yourself that you need support from a psychologist. You can sign up alone or with your partner. For this you need a referral from your gynecologist.


You can see the results of the Dutch IVF centers on www.nvog.nl. The Balance fertility results fall under the IVF centers in Tilburg and Rotterdam. The IVF doctors therefore keep the results of the Fertility outpatient clinic in Balance fertility separately.

Reading Guide

IVF results can be displayed in various ways. In this registration, the percentage of ongoing pregnancies per cycle started was chosen. A good pregnancy still occurs after twelve weeks. The table shows that good results are also achieved with the cryo treatment.

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