The extended community of nursing home residents, which in 2016 numbered 1.3 million, are housed in about 15,600 facilities. Beds licensed for occupancy are 1.7 million, and approximately 69.3% of these institutions are for-profit. These crucial services fill a void for the care and protection of those who can no longer care of themselves.

Family members often accept the responsibility of monitoring these extended-living centers for their relatives. When the best choice for a relative is a nursing home, typically the decision is made jointly within the family. There are many excellent care facilities that will be happy to be a partner in this process.

In the back of the mind of many family members may be the question about the quality of care for their loved one. Everyone is aware of this matter but often may be reticent to express these thoughts. This is a difficult issue to think about, let alone talk about. 

Preliminary research before interviewing nursing homes can be helpful and give family members knowledge before visits to anticipated homes. Resources are available to provide insight into issues that may arise and how they will be handled. A large number of nursing home residents receive payments from Medicare or Medicaid. Those residents are protected under the regulations in the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987. This important piece of regulation can be a starting place for your research, and you can access Federal Government information. Many sources exist to learn more about the Nursing Reform Act of 1987.

Government agencies will assist in investigating questions about nursing home abuse. If satisfaction is not achieved, one may consider further actions to ensure the safety of the nursing home resident. Excellent elder law attorneys are found in most states. These attorneys are trained and have current knowledge in the best practices in helping to maintain the safety and contentment of those people residing in nursing homes.

In fact, many families access the services of elder-care attorneys before interviewing nursing homes in order to understand what to look for. The complicated character of nursing home care may raise questions about the quality of care residents may receive. Trained attorneys will know what to look for and can discuss with family members or nursing home residents to assess whether concerns are warranted.

The definition of elder abuse, as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), is “a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person”. These acts may be physical, emotional, or monetary. The particularly sensitive responsibility toward those residents in nursing homes surely includes but is not limited to the elderly. Additionally, due to the often delicate physical condition of residents, the informed family member can help assess the information along with the resident, and if further information is required, the legal services can fill in the blanks for the family.

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