Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of web traffic through optimizing a web page’s visibility to the user’s search engines. There are various ways on how to maximize someone’s website traffic—digital marketers before followed standard steps that would assure them a top spot. 

Social Media engagement has also been a sure fire way to improve user’s experience. Social Media has been a known factor in better modern SEO campaigns although it indirectly results in improvements with SEO rankings. You can use the combination of good content and emojis to start some organic or paid campaigns. Don’t forget to add in a blue heart emoji in your posts. It shows clients the warm and accommodating personality of your brand.

However, modern SEO is different. The optimization has evolved that guarantees every web owner a top spot to any user’s search engines. It nearly imitates marketing tactics in the real world. Modern search engine optimization is dynamic, and most of the process introduced could work. Check out these tried and tested SEO hacks to get you started:

Offer An Excellent User’s Experience

Your top priority is not just about the search engines. You should also focus on the user’s experience on your website to increase the traffic. Target your audience by creating an excellent website intended for their needs.  The experience of users on your site assists search engines to measure your web credibility. 

In creating an excellent website, make sure that it is easy to navigate. This will create a positive impression of your potential customers. You can also include engaging visuals and remarkable content to optimize your website’s structure. 

Aspire For Featured Snippets

In the past few years, Google has been adding features that are helpful to web users. Aside from organic search results and Adwords, Google also features Snippets to improve the user’s experience. Featured Snippets are those formats that automatically appear when you search for particular information. This allows users to have quick access to the details they are looking for clicking to a specific web page. 

Featured Snippets are commonly called as the zero position. It gets more visibility than other website pages results. Thus, more web traffic can be assured. Getting featured snippets for your content is one of the best tactics to ensure success in digital marketing. Start with these few tactics to help your web in getting featured snippets:

Improve Your Content Formatting

An explicit format helps Google understand your content. You can summarize your entire article by creating a list of bullet points. This makes your content easier to comprehend by search engines. In creating the main points of your content, you can use heading two and heading three as your subheads. Google often reformats these subheads and forms them into concise lists for featured snippets. 

Answer The Question Of The Public

It will be ideal if your content answers the questions of the public. This type of article tends to have more chances of getting featured snippets. Discover common questions of the people and try to answer them fluently. This will increase your chance of getting the snippets you dream of. 

Constantly Improve Your Content

If your page is already on the first page of the search results, it will be much easier to get your desired featured snippets. Thus, work for your entire website content and aspire to be creative. Plenty of websites and social media platforms allow emojis. You can show how creative and emotional you are by adding emojis within your content. For instance a client asks you to write about halloween. You can add a pumpkin emoji to spice things up and add more emphasis and emotion of halloween to your article or content which is being published.

Boost The Page Load Speed

This is one of the crucial things to remember about SEO hack. The loading speed of your website page always affects the user’s experience and your rankings. Thus, aside from creating excellent quality content, you should also work for the page load speed. Too slow web pages annoy users. It can be too frustrating, and you will lose your potential customers. 

When your web page loads faster, it increases your possibility of attaining top rank in search engine results. The loading speed of your page is the primary factor of Google in determining the positions. Thus, regardless of the size of your digital business, you should work on making your business page loads faster. This will be your essential key to ensuring success in modern marketing. 

Generate a Mobile-Friendly Website

The increasing usage of mobile phones worldwide is the primary reason why you should create a mobile-friendly website. Due to the rising demand for mobile devices, 52.2% of website traffic has been recorded from mobile phones in the year 2018. Thus, a website that can respond to any mobile device regardless of the screen will offer you a top spot. 


SEO hacks are one of the critical factors of modern digital businesses that directly affect their web traffic and their rank in search engine results. Digital tactics like generating a mobile-friendly website, improving the user’s experience, and optimizing the page loading speed help every website bloggers in assuring success regardless of the size of their business. These hacks are evidence of how a modern world offers surprising solutions.

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