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Home improvements have always been a popular thing amongst households and now more than ever due to the pandemic causing so many of us to have more time at home and realise things needed changing or updating. One of the most popular structures to now have at home is either in the house or in the garden and it features a bar. These rooms have been called many things from a games room to a man cave and it is clear to see why people are calling them these names. These rooms are kitted out with a bar, tvs, darts boards, pool tables and much more, they are every man’s dream. Many people that have these are using them as their new social place with many of them having large groups of friends round to socialise and have fun, this has not only boosted the building trade but many other industries as well and one for example is the gambling industry with many of these groups of friends going round to have poker nights with each other and you can see more about this here which are some of the most recorded sites since these home buildings have been built. 


Since lockdowns are now near enough all over these home rooms are now more popular than ever with people now going to them instead of the local pubs. The building trade cannot keep up with the demand of how many people now want one of these amazing features to your home. As soon as one person gets one built out of the friendship group all the others look set to follow and it turns into a competition to see who can have the best home sports or games room. This trend does not look to be slowing down anytime soon with these rooms also adding value to your property as well, you can have these either in your house, attached to your house as an extension or some people even add them at the end of their gardens to keep out of the way. Now the sports seasons are back underway this has also boosted a massive rise in people wanting one of these rooms kitted out with a huge tv to be able to watch their favourite sports from the comfort of their own home which is what seems to be a huge selling point in these rooms. 


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