
We live in a day and age when we can get student loans to achieve our professional goals. However, sometimes (really a lot of times) we all may need help to pay back those student loans from time to time. Luckily, we all can apply online or in print for a deferred payment plan, a forbearance, interest-only payments, or a reduced payment plan that goes according to your income. You can even get personal loan online or in person to pay your student loans. With all these choices, you typically won’t need a lawyer to assist with student loan problems.

When a Lawyer is Needed for Student Loan Problems?

A lawyer is needed for student loan problems with the following scenarios:

  • When a lender(s) sues you if you are in default
  • When dealing with a complex issue, such as when you are going through harassment with a debt collection agency, or a dispute with a loan servicer
  • If you are being sued in court and wanting legal advice and representation
  • When being unsure about your legal rights or options regarding a particular student loan issue, including what your strategy and options might be regarding a defaulted student loan, eligibility for a student loan forgiveness or repayment program, and more.
  • When feeling overwhelmed with an issue concerning a student loan and wanting some guidance

What a Lawyer for your Student Loan Problems does?

There are various things that these lawyers will do to assist with student loan debt:

  • Give counsel and advice concerning your legal options and rights for the student loan debt.
  • Court representation to pursue debt companies of the student loans that harmed you or to defend you if there is a student loan collections’ lawsuit against you.
  • Assisting you by reviewing student loan-related documentation and in the preparation and completion of these documentations, i.e. contractual agreements, letters and correspondence, program applications, and more.
  • Direct advocacy and representation to communicate with debt collection agencies, dispute bodies, credit bureaus, and other entities.
  • Negotiating to obtain a desired resolution with debt collection agencies, student loan servicers, and student loan lenders.

The Cost of a Lawyer for your Student Loan Problems

Attorneys have different terms and fees for their legal services. You can pay by the hour or pay with a retainer, in general. In some cases, you can get a free consultation. Also, there are different fees according to the type of service they will provide for student loan issues. The possible fees for legal services include:

·        A Consultation fee

For lawyers not offering free consultation, they may require payment for a limited counsel session or for obtaining assistance with an issue, such as looking over a credit report or reviewing a settlement agreement. This fee depends on the time length of consultation, the location, and the pricing of the lawyer.

·        Contingency fee

For certain cases, an attorney may take on a case on a contingency fee basis. This type of fee is when the lawyer only takes payment upon winning the case through a settlement or a judgment. The arrangement of a contingency fee is only available for specific cases, like third-party debt collection companies for specific law violations or consumer rights lawsuits against third-party debt collectors.

·        Flat fee

Some attorneys offer a set fee for specific services no matter the length of time it takes the lawyer to finish the service required.

·         Hourly fee/retainer

The traditional type of fees attorneys use where you and the lawyer agree for the fee amount of the retainer or hourly fee.


As established now, some severe student loan cases require legal assistance. Nevertheless, there are personal loans available to get some relief with student loan debt. You can shop personal loans online or in person. As you do personal loan shopping, you will see various types of loans available, including personal installment loans, quick cash loans, short term loan lenders, emergency cash loans, and more to assist with student loan refinancing and debt.

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