Flood is one of the worst enemies of your residential property. This is why knowing how to prepare for a storm and possible flooding should be one of your priorities as a homeowner.

If you’ve asked yourself questions like “Are there water restoration companies near me, scottsdale, arizona?” To help you protect your home from water damage, then you’re on the right track. Because having a company that specializes in this job in your contact list is one of the many items you should tick off on your checklist.

In this article, we’re giving a roundup of 11 tips on how to prepare for a storm and flooding.

Evaluator your risk. The initial step in protecting your home is assessing its current situation. Do you live in a flood-prone area? Or are you near a body of water? If so, is your house equipped to overcome strong storms and the possibility of flooding? This will help you plan ways on how to optimally prepare your home for such a natural disaster.

Waterproof your basement. Like what any water restoration companies near me, Scottsdale, Arizona can attest, doing this step can significantly reduce the consequences of flooding. This process also involves checking the condition of your gutters and drain system.

Inspect your plumbing system. If your plumbing fixtures have problems like leakage and mold growth, it’s highly advisable to address them even before the hurricane season kicks in. The damage brought about by flooding will only worsen if your plumbing system is flawed.

Elevate electrical components. The general rule of thumb is to elevate your home’s electrical components — including sockets, switches, and wiring — at least 12 inches above the average flood level in your area.

Designate a safe place for your valuables. Doing this will help you avoid damaging or losing important belongings. For instance, enclose your vital documents like a passport in a plastic envelope and keep it in an elevated area.

Purchase insurance. To protect you financially, it’s a good investment to buy a homeowner’s or flood insurance that can help you cover the expenses of restoring a flood-damaged home.

Pack an emergency kit. Preparing for flooding isn’t just about keeping your home protected. You should also gear up on how you could sustain your household should worse come to worst. Your emergency kit should include food, water, medications, flashlights, and phones with chargers.

Prepare your roof, windows, and garage door. Reinforce and brace vulnerable parts of your home like your roofing system, your windows, and your doors.

Trim your trees. As they may damage your property — especially your roof and windows — make it a habit to trim your shrubbery and trees prior toa hurricane in your area.

Stay alert for weather updates. Keep yourself updated about the weather predictions in your town. Give special attention to flood watches and warnings especially if you’re located in a flood prone neighborhood.

Get professional help. If you wonder why many homeowners ask themselves questions like “Are there water restoration companies near me, Scottsdale, Arizona,” it’s because these companies are essential partners in protecting your home from flooding. Tap a flood damage expert if you want to professionally evaluate the condition of your house and properly prepare it for the hurricane season.

ASAP Restoration understands the importance of quickly taking action following a disaster. If you’re asking yourself about”water restoration companies near me, scottsdale, arizona,” then contact us today and we’ll be glad to help.

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